Existing Social Trends To Grow In 2022

There are new social media marketing trends on the horizon for 2022. But in this article we want to focus on a few current trends that will grow even more in the new year. First, there will continue to be more opportunities to make money on social media platforms. Second, the ability to manage content within each platform will be more developed and accessible. Third, expect to see Augmented Reality, or AR, showing up even more.

Paid Social Opportunities

The original use for social media was to connect and share with friends and family. It quickly grew to be a place for sharing all kinds of content with all kinds of people. Advertising soon followed. In short, social media has quickly become another way to make — and spend — money.

Facebook ads have been around for years. And many other social media and online platforms followed. This trend of monetization, paid partnerships, and advertising will only continue to grow and be perfected.

TikTok recently announced their tipping feature as another way for their content creators to make money on the app. They also continue to grow relationships with e-commerce companies with products to sell. Pinterest’s partnership with Shopify expands e-commerce’s potential to sell on their site as well. An app centered on visual aesthetics, Instagram has a place to shop straight from their platform. And with the rise of Instagram boutiques and a shop link added to stories posted on the platform, this is only going to continue to grow.

Content Management

With the rise of businesses, content creators and influencers regularly pumping out content, the need for organization is at hand. Some apps, like Facebook, allow a profile to schedule a post. Others do not. Third parties like Hootsuite have stepped in the gap with a tool to help people create and schedule posts across multiple platforms, all in one place. The hope is that more platforms will allow scheduling and easier management of content.

Business accounts on most platforms, Instagram and Facebook for example, provide insights and business dashboards. These details can tell someone how many views or interactions each post gets, whether they reached new people or current followers, and so on. As marketing with social media continues to grow, we hope platforms continue to develop and perfect these management, scheduling, and insight tools.

Social Media + AR

Augmented Reality (AR) seems to have popped up everywhere overnight. But it has been growing steadily over the past few years. Snapchat became known for social media AR when it first released Snapchat Lens in 2015. By 2019 AR was widely available to all platforms. It’s just recently that the possibilities of AR are beginning to be seen.

But what does this have to do with social media advertising? How can you use AR for marketing? You could develop a face filter with your brand on it. But that is just a small part of the possibilities of AR. AR can be developed to allow customers to try a product before they buy. Customers could find the right color of lipstick or eyeshadow using AR to see it on themselves first. 

All the immersive experiences AR brings encourage impulse buys. The customer doesn’t have to wait until they see those earrings, lipstick, clothing, and so on, in the store. AR creates an immersive experience, making you feel like you are at the store shopping right then and there. Shopping is made easy, convenient, and most importantly — can be done anytime and anywhere.

New tools and strategies are always being developed in the world of social media marketing. But some already trending tools and strategies just need a little bit of perfecting to stay prominent. Making money on social media is not going away, it’s only going to get easier from here. Content management is a necessity for social media platforms to have and continue to provide tools and insights. And the new but also not so new world of AR brings endless possibilities to the imagination of the digital marketer.


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