How To Target Your Ideal Customer In 2022

Digital ad spending continues to increase worldwide. But the rules of the digital world and how to market your business are always changing. Are you aware of these changes? Do you have your digital marketing strategy updated for 2022? 

The Cookieless Future

For years digital marketers have relied on third party cookies to target ads to a specific demographic. However, major internet browsers and Apple’s iOS updates have increased consumer privacy this year. From now on, marketers will be unable to use third party cookies to access personal information for ad targeting purposes.

For this reason, brands must find new ways to find and target their ideal customers. Experts predict successful marketers in 2022 will be focusing on more granular and task-specific customer profiles, changing how they create a customer profile to target. Additionally, agile brands in 2022 will allocate their budget to promote on several platforms and strategies, no longer focusing on just one social media app.

How to Target in 2022

The goal of marketing is to establish and build a relationship with your ideal customer. In previous years businesses have benefitted from knowing personal information about consumers they hadn’t shared with that business. In some ways, this was good because marketing could easily target the audience perfect for their product. However, some consumers found this less than welcoming. They felt they were being spied on. This is not the best way for someone to hear about your product or service.

In 2022 brands will be forced to change the way they build customer relationships. The disappearance of third party cookies doesn’t mean you can’t build data on your customers anymore. Successful businesses must now build their relationship with a customer by asking for permission to obtain personal information or share with them. For example, when a customer opts in for an email list, makes an inquiry on your website, or follows your social page, they are acknowledging their interest and providing you with an opportunity to continue the conversation, collecting data with their permission along the way.

Changes to the way in which data is collected is just the beginning. Businesses in 2022 should also change the way they build their target audience profile. Go beyond the stereotypical profiles: age, gender, location, so on. Instead, focus on personality traits. Ask: What colour palettes do they seem to prefer? Do they tend towards work or entertainment focused online content? What visual style is the most engaging?

Where to Target in 2022

Companies in 2022 will also consider multiple platforms and avenues to advertise online. Social media marketing alone is constantly improving. There’s a broad audience to reach on every platform, and each platform has its own style of content. If you are only utilizing one platform, you are missing out on reaching thousands of potential customers. While you should choose wisely which platforms are best for you, avoid pouring all of your effort into one platform.

At the same time, having a social media profile and content strategy are only one piece of the online marketing pie. Businesses in 2022 should consider paying influencers to endorse their products and services. Find an influencer with followers who may have the problem you solve. This way, you are able to instantly get in front of a group of fans that are already your ideal customer. 

The way to target customers has changed. You can no longer rely on third party cookies. But, perhaps it is for the best. Now businesses are forced to build more personal relationships with a customer, engaging with them in every step of the sales process. And shifting your focus to granular personas, focusing on the personality of your ideal customer, will improve your engagement. Knowing the tone of voice and display of colour a consumer prefers will improve your brand overall. Focus on these trends in 2022 to establish and build deeper relationships with customers, and the sales will follow.


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