Instagram Marketing Trends For 2022

Believe it or not, 2022 is here. To set you up for success, we’re covering 5 trending ways to market your business on Instagram in 2022. Instagram has been optimizing their platform for short videos, live shopping, community engagement, and more. Are you ready?

Turn up Your Reel Game

Instagram came out with Reels in August 2020. Similar to TikTok, Instagram Reels follow the growing short video trend storming the internet today. Creators can publish a video of up to 60 seconds with Reels. 

Use Reels in your business to grow your following like wildfire. You can quickly reach thousands of people on the Instagram platform with one video. The best Reels quickly capture the viewer’s attention, provide valuable or humorous content, and entice them to go to your profile for more videos.

Engage More with Your Community

In 2022, Instagram is upping their engagement game. People are craving more connection than ever before. They don’t want to just follow people online, they want to engage with them. Instagram has done a fantastic job adding features to their platform that encourage engagement and conversation.

You can add voting, music suggestions, run a poll, give a quiz, or ask an open question to your followers all through the stories section of the app. As a business on Instagram in 2022, you should be using these features to create and continue conversations with your followers. People will get to know your brand, trust you, and be more excited to buy from you in the future.

Start Live Shopping

Instagram has increased their play in the online shopping game. As a highly visual and interactive app, shopping can happen very easily. Your business can create a digital store all within the Instagram app. Customers can go from viewing your content to purchasing your product in seconds.

In 2022, live videos are becoming more popular for all social media channels. Host a live shopping event on Instagram for a more interactive and engaging experience. Going live is especially a great idea to show off new designs or series. Create the anticipation around your “exclusive” live event, and take advantage of the live shopping people can do within the app for you.

Add Links to Your Stories

The newest feature for stories is the ability to add links. This is awesome for businesses, as you get to share a link to your website or landing page right in your content. Before this, the only way to share a link was on your Instagram bio.

How can your business use the link feature? Do you have a landing page you want to highlight? New blog to direct them to? An event they should sign up for? The possibilities for businesses are endless! Optimize your time on Instagram by directing people to your site using the new link feature.

Check Out the Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing is a popular trend on the internet today. Soon, it will be all over Instagram. Creators will be able to add links on their content to direct viewers to buy what they are wearing or featuring. If someone buys through this link, this creator gets paid a commission.

Do you sell tangible products? The affiliate program is good news for you! Creators on Instagram can now share links to your products whenever they use them. Someone wearing your handmade jewelry? They can add a link on their post to buy the product on your site. Educate your followers and customers about this feature and encourage them to add it when they share pictures with your product. It’s the power of word of mouth at play in the digital world.

From live videos to shopping, the changes Instagram is making in 2022 are exciting for businesses. There are new ways popping up to promote and sell your products every day. Optimize your time on Instagram by adding links to your website in your stories, start a live video to encourage shopping, and definitely engage more with your community through the community engagement features. Use Instagram like the powerful marketing tool it is to increase your sales in 2022.

Here are some top Instagram marketing companies that can drive more traffic to your business.


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