Top Customer Experience Marketing Trend for 2022

The world is always evolving. Businesses must keep their eye on shifting trends and develop themselves to stay on top. One customer experience trend marketing departments should be aware of is the personalization available today and importance of micro-moments.

Thanks to technology, personalizing ad campaigns has become easier than ever. The personal data available on consumers today means your company can target, develop and deliver ads to a very specific type of person. 

Micro-moments are a small window of time. During this time, your perfect customer is ready to buy your product. Even if they don’t know it yet. These moments might last only seconds. Timing has always played an important role in advertising. But with the ability to deliver an ad to anyone scrolling on their phone at any time of day, timing is even more important.

Audiences you can reach

Marketing strategies have always attempted to capture the perfect customer with their advertisements. However, they have still delivered to broad audiences. For example, any number of people may be watching the morning news and consuming the commercials in between. 

But times have changed. You can target your exact audience by knowing not only their age, marital status, gender and ethnicity. You can also target people who have recently searched for products similar to yours, just Googled a problem your business solves, or follow the same trends your product serves.

These opportunities are exciting advancements for marketing departments. Gone are the days of broad commercials delivered to broad audiences. Everything can be personalized. Which means knowing your niche and creating custom marketing materials is the new age of marketing.

Consumer expectations

Not only is hyper personalization available, it’s also becoming a consumer expectation. No one wants to consume an ad that has nothing to do with their life. But if your commercial begins with a question they’ve been asking themselves, they will hesitate to hit that skip button. Their curiosity will bring them to your site and your marketing copy will continue to lead them down the funnel from there.

Customers today do not have time. To keep them engaged, your marketing must catch their attention within seconds. And it must catch them at the right time, exactly when they’re ready to fix their problem or spend money on something special. Capture their attention from the start, and lead them to the purchase by being the answer to their question now.

Finding the perfect balance

On the other hand, there is a balance to be found when considering your personalization and micro-moments strategies. Consumers are becoming more and more aware of how much personal information their smartphones share with businesses for marketing purposes. Some find this practice incredibly invasive and dangerous. Others see it as helpful and prefer to have their advertisements personalized. How can your company balance your image between these two extremes?

Consumers can easily feel controlled or manipulated by how marketing campaigns target them. They want to at least feel like they have free will and are making the choice themselves. Some targeted ads can be a turn-off if the marketing is loud and in your face. Instead, deliver ads to consumers who have already interacted with your business, whether through a web search or social media. In this way, you are continuing the conversation they already began with the internet or your company, instead of showing up in what they consider to be a private space.

Consumers today expect businesses to deliver marketing in a way that solves their problem at the exact moment they need it to. They are too busy to consume ads that don’t relate to them or solve yesterday’s problem. They need companies to answer today’s problem. This can be a challenge. But it’s also a great opportunity. Never before has your marketing department been able to reach your target audience so quickly. Continue to evolve with the times. Optimize your marketing strategy and advertisements for personalization and micro-moments.


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