How to increase Facebook Ad Conversions

Facebook has maintained its status as the number one social media platform for driving conversions. However, running paid ads to get high conversion rates is not a walk in the park. 

Have you been recently seeing a decline in conversions from your paid ads? We have just the solution you’re looking for. To help you boost conversions with your next ad campaign on Facebook we compiled a list of tips you can use to optimize your next ad campaign.

Source: Luca Sammarco

Source: Luca Sammarco


Tip 1: Choose clear action events for conversion.

In order to create ads that convert the audience, you need to have a clear vision of what action you want the audience to take after seeing your ad. 

Examples of action events on Facebook include; view content, add to cart, purchase items, etc. Facebook also allows you to create custom conversion events that meet your specific goals. 

Once you have a clear understanding of your conversion goals, you can start creating ads that push for that specific conversion. If you have multiple conversion goals, you can create different ads to encourage each of those conversions. 


Tip 2: Optimize the website landing page.

More often than not, the Facebook ad might not be the problem. You could create a perfect ad that persuades the audience. However, if their experience on your landing page does not meet the expectations, they might most likely leave. 

Here are a few ways you could improve your landing page:

Install the Facebook Pixel: The Facebook Pixel is a tracking tool that could help you track exactly where your landing page is winning and losing. Use the Facebook Pixel insights to fix the potholes on your landing page. 

Fluid Landing Page Experience: Many websites have visitors confused when they get there after clicking on an ad. Making the visitor search for the product that was advertised is the last mistake you should make. A simple and easy-to-navigate landing page will definitely help in boosting your conversion numbers. 


Tip 3: When writing copy, “KISS” (Keep it simple stupid).

Your ad copy along with the visual should compel the viewer to take the action you want them to take. 

In order to achieve this, make sure your copy is not too complicated. Ad copies that are simple and straight to the point hit the home run. 

Also, make sure your ad copy is in proper context with your brand, and creative enough to grant the audience’s attention. Copy when done the right way can increase conversions. 


Tip 4: Use Call-To-Action for every ad.

The ad copy is complimented by the call-to-action. Strong copy followed by the correct call-to-action can improve the chances of conversion. 


Tip 5: Use custom audiences to target lookalike audiences.

This is hands down one of the best targeting features offered in advertising. Make sure you collect existing customer data. You can upload all this useful information to generate lookalike audiences. 

Lookalike audiences are very likely to purchase your product since their behavior is similar to your current customers. This technique will also help you reduce your cost per conversion because most of the people you target will take action. 


Tip 6: Choose the ad format that matches your goals.

That’s right! Every ad format offered by Facebook could prove to be good for achieving a certain goal. 

For example, video ads are great to showcase a product. On the other hand, you can use carousel ads to advertise various products offered by your business.

You can learn more about the various types of paid ads offered by Facebook in our previous blog.


Tip 7: Use analytics to optimize. 

Facebook Pixel is a must-have tool if you’re aiming to boost your ad performance. The pixel will give you all the relevant information that you’ll need to improve your website and ads. 

Read our blog on how to install the Facebook Pixel. 


Want to know more about Facebook Advertising? Contact our expert team at Acquire today and let us help you take your marketing performance to the next level.

Acquire Agency is an official Facebook Marketing Partner, and we have helped countless businesses optimize their social media campaigns on Facebook+Instagram.




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