LinkedIn Will Be The Master Hub For B2B Marketing In 2022

Social media marketing is rapidly developing into a necessity for businesses. Many businesses already use social media as their primary source for advertising. Currently Twitter, Instagram and Facebook stand as the most popular ways to reach customers. Yet for B2B professionals, LinkedIn towers above them all.

LinkedIn is the leader in both organic and paid social media results for B2B marketing. And they’re only getting better. The platform is improving its marketing experience for 2022, including increased data insights and analytics for every post. There’s no doubt, LinkedIn is the destination for B2B marketing and should be the focus for every B2B professional in 2022.

The B2B Network

Since its inception in 2003, LinkedIn has quickly grown to be the biggest online professional network. Over 57 million businesses and 774 million people have an account on LinkedIn. The network allows users to share their work history and experience like an online resume, but also encourages engagement through sharing professional posts and articles with others in the network. 

If your company focuses on B2B marketing, you need to find the best place to target businesses. And what better place to reach businesses than the top professional online platform? Now is the time too, as LinkedIn continues to release new features, making marketing on their platform more effective and informative.

Articles for Pages

Online marketing gives companies the opportunity to build data on their customers. Years ago if you wrote an article for a magazine it was next to impossible to track who purchased that magazine, let alone know who read your piece within. It was harder back then to make decisions about what to write in the future or how to reach that customer again. But with LinkedIn’s Article for Pages update, you can see exactly who read and interacted with your article.

Businesses should take advantage of this update by sharing more content on their LinkedIn through articles. Articles can increase your reach and engagement as well as build your brand’s image and credibility through the thought leadership pieces you choose to share. 

Paid Advertising

LinkedIn is also upping its paid advertising game, with three new updates to measure and optimize brand awareness through paid ads. You can test the impact your ads have on your brand through Brand Lift Testing. Choose a test group to see your ads and compare the results with a control group that doesn’t see your ads. Make informed decisions about managing your brand’s image through the ads you share.

Next, you can now optimize your ad reach. Avoid showing an ad to the same user over and over by choosing the number of accounts you want your ad shown to. This update will help your ads reach your target audience better.

Lastly, updates to the Campaign Manager provide businesses with more data and insights. You can now view predicted reach and frequency reports when developing an ad. Use these in-depth analytics to make future advertising decisions.

LinkedIn has long ago established itself as the obvious choice for B2B professionals. They have an incredible, ever-increasing worldwide reach to other businesses and professionals. Their updates to Articles for Pages and refined metrics for paid ads make marketing even easier and more informative on the platform. Making LinkedIn the master hub for B2B marketing in 2022. 


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