New In The Ad Space: Audible Ads You Can Respond To

Advances in technology are revolutionizing advertising. From the way you can target a customer to how visually stimulating each ad can be, ads are becoming increasingly engaging. Some companies are now testing audio ads that you can interact with

The longer you can hold a consumer's attention during an advertisement, the better. These interactive ads require a consumer’s attention, consideration, and response. They are programmed to interpret responses and communicate this information back to your business. You can take data from how someone responds to make future decisions about your advertising and targeting.

How it Works

Designed to feel like a conversation, these audio ads speak directly to the consumer. They ask direct yes or no questions, or other feedback. This form of interactive advertising was rolled out by Pandora in 2019, but has seen a resurgence in popularity this year as podcasting grows in popularity and with it the need for audio ads.

But audio ads are experimenting with more than just spoken responses. Spotify is currently running ads that call a listener to view a list of options on their screen and make a selection. This trend is only expected to grow, as the engagement provides a better experience with the consumer, and better data for the advertiser.

Interpreting the Results

One obstacle for most advertising is this: it’s hard to track results. If you run an ad on TV or radio, how do you know how well it was received? Did people change the channel, or watch all the way through? Did they make a purchase based on your ad? How do you know? 

The exciting thing about this new form of advertising is that you can answer these questions. There is data to track. You can measure how people are responding to your ads. You can use this data to improve your advertising and targeting. 

Are your ads more effective at a certain time of day or day of the week? Is a certain tone of voice or style of ad more effective at getting engagement? You can now answer questions like these. Run your interactive ads and review the results. Choose when and how you want to run your ads in the future to take advantage of as much engagement as possible. 

Speaking with Technology

We speak with technology all the time. We ask Google questions, we tell Alexa to play music or set a timer. It only makes sense that this technological development spread to all forms of communication, including advertising. 

People understand watching and listening to advertisements is necessary for their everyday habits of consuming content. But many tune out or ignore an advertisement as they wait to view or listen to what they came for. These interactive ads provide a chance to keep consumers engaged even when an advertisement is playing.

Looking Forward

What does this development mean for the future of advertising? Technology has certainly made its mark on the advertising industry. But until now, consumer engagement was minimal to non-existent. Now, speaking to technology is becoming more and more advanced.

Alexa, Google, and now simple advertisements can listen, interpret, and respond to your responses. Businesses should take advantage of this exciting opportunity to engage more with consumers in their advertising. Then follow the data to fine-tune the way they create and run ads in the future to see better results in sales. 


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