Types of Paid Tik Tok Ads

Want to learn about the different Tik Tok Ads you could use to grow your business? 

Tik Tok paid ads are getting attention from all the big-name brands like Apple Music, Bumble, CashApp, The Voice, etc. This is a testament to the growing marketing potential on Tik Tok.

If you want to start advertising your business on TikTok, this blog will help you understand all the different types of paid ads offered by Tik Tok. 

Understanding the types of paid ads will help you decide which ad format will help your business achieve its marketing goals. There are 5 types of paid Ads offered by Tik Tok:


5 Types of Tik Tok Paid Ads:


In-feed Ads

Source: later.com

Source: later.com

This paid ad type is the best way to blend into the user’s feed. These ads appear on the user’s “For You” page.

Similar to any other post, viewers can like, share, and comment on these ads. Advertisers can use this as an opportunity to engage with the audience and get a sense of whether people are enjoying the content.

Even though these ads can run for 60 seconds, Tik Tok suggests that you should keep the ad length between 9-15 seconds. Keep in mind that these ads are skippable. So if your ads aren’t creative and smart, they might not generate the intended results. 

You can include a Call-To-Action at the bottom of these ads that will lead the audience to the landing page on your business website.

Great For - Increasing Website Traffic and Sales Conversions. 

Who Should Use? - Great for small businesses that are just starting to advertise on Tik Tok. As a small business, you can create and run these ads quite comfortably with a small team. Moreover, this is one of the cheapest paid ad formats offered by Tik Tok.  


Top View Ads


Just like In-Feed ads, these ads appear on the “For You” page. However, they appear at the top of the page, guaranteeing to grab the audience’s attention. 

They appear on the top of the “For You” feed after 3 seconds and can last up to 60 seconds. You can also include a Call-To-Action to these ads. 

This paid offering is great to make your ad stand out. Unlike In-Feed ads, Top View Ads will break the clutter. However, keep in mind that these ads could annoy the audience. No one wants an Ad to be the first thing they see in their feed. 

To avoid the annoyance of the audience and at the same time grab their attention, make sure your ads are interesting. 

Great For - Grabbing the audience’s attention by standing out of the clutter. Also, good for guaranteed reach and improving sales. 

Who Should Use? - Great for small and medium-sized enterprises that have a slightly bigger budget. Investing this extra cash can help these businesses to break the clutter, which will help their brand to stand out. 


Brand Takeover Ads


Want your audience to know about your business as soon as they open Tik Tok? Brand Takeover Ads is what you need. 

Brand Takeover ads pop up as soon as the users open the Tik Tok App. This guarantees impressions and also stands out in the audience’s mind. 

The ads also appear on the “For You” page, ensuring your brand is everywhere. 

However, procuring this prime real estate on the app can be pricy. Estimated at $50,000/day, this ad format is one of the expensive paid ad offerings by Tik Tok. 

The price can come with guaranteed results. With the right creative, these ads can take your business to the next level. 

Best For -  Building awareness,  guaranteed impressions, and sales.  

Who Should Use -  Mid-sized and large brands who want to improve their market cap or brand awareness.


Branded Hashtag Challenge

Source: Hootsuite


This is an innovative paid ad offering by Tik Tok. Brands have had great success using these ads to engage with their audience, become a trend, and subsequently grow brand awareness and sales. 

These ads appear on the “Discovery” Page. When a user clicks on the Hashtag Challenge, they are lead to the landing page on Tik Tok where they see the details for the challenge. They can follow the instructions provided to participate by creating a Dance or acting video that’s in line with the advertised brand. They can also see videos of other creators that participated in the challenge. 

Great For -  Building awareness and engaging with the audience. If the challenge is a hit, your brand can become a trend. All this can lead to an exponential growth in conversions. 

Who Should Use? - Big-name brands looking to engage with their audience in order to grow awareness and conversions. 


Branded Effects 

These ads are similar to Snapchat filters. You can create a Sticker, AR Filter, or Custom Lense that your audience can use for their content. 

Just like the Hashtag Challenge, this ad format is a great way to build awareness and engage with the audience. 

These ads can stay live for up to 10 days. 

Great For -  Building awareness, engaging with your audience, and improving sales. 

Who Should Use? - Big-name brands looking to engage with their audience in order to grow awareness and conversions. 


Want to know more about TikTok Advertising? Contact our expert team at Acquire Agency today and let us help you take your marketing performance to the next level.

Acquire Agency is an official Facebook Marketing Partner and Shopify Partner. We have helped countless businesses optimize their social media campaigns and your business can be next.


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